Thursday, April 28, 2022

The "Really" File - ("fictosexual"?)

 .... but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Judges 17:6
"She’s not real — but his feelings are.
A “fictosexual” man who wed a fictional, computer-synthesized pop
singer four years ago said he’s now unable to communicate with his wife, but is still in love with her.
Akihiko Kondo, 38, was dating Hatsune Miku — depicted in pop culture as a 16-year-old with turquoise hair — for a decade before they had an unofficial wedding ceremony in 2018. Kondo — one of many who identifies as “fictosexual,” or someone who is sexually attracted to fictional characters — spent 2 million yen, or about $17,300, on the nuptials, but his family did not attend.
Now married for four years, Kondo, 38, said his relationship has hit a roadblock: He can no longer speak with Miku due to a
From the "Really" File

technological hurdle, according to Japanese newspaper Mainichi.
Since falling in love with her in 2008, Kondo was finally able to interact with Miku for the first time in 2017 thanks to a Gatebox, a $1,300 machine that allowed device owners to interact with characters via holograms and even unofficially marry them
But now, his four-year marriage took a turn when support for Gatebox software was eliminated, meaning that Kondo could no longer speak with his wife Miku, according to Newshub.
Kondo insists it hasn’t lessened his feelings.
My love for Miku hasn’t changed,” he told Mainichi, which noted he now carried around a life-size version o f Miku. “I held the wedding ceremony because I thought I could be with her forever.
Kondo is far from the only person in the world in a relationship with a character. 
Thousands of “fictosexual” people in Japan have begun similar unofficial relationships with a variety of fictitious figures."