Friday, April 1, 2022

IN the NEWS - Sri Lanka (Ceylon) a Sign of Things to come?

....and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity... 
Luke 21:25
"Sri Lanka is struggling through an economic crisis that is having
terrible repercussions for its economy, as a brutal energy crisis threatens to blossom into shortages of food and other essential goods.
Thanks to an energy crisis Sri Lanka is resorting to turning off its street lights to save electricity as its worst economic crisis in decades bites, forcing - among other cutbacks - the temporary closure of the local stock market as the impact of the crisis is felt.  
The island nation of 22 million people is struggling with rolling power cuts for up to 13 hours a day as the government is unable to make payments for fuel imports because of a lack of foreign exchange.....without fuel, the country's fishermen have been stranded on shore, unable to reel in the day's catch.
As they look for somebody to blame, the locals have settled on one key culprit: Beijing, and its 'debt diplomacy', which seems to have caught Colombo in its trap...One of the reasons behind economic crisis in Sri Lanka is its huge debt to China." ZeroHedge