Saturday, April 16, 2022

IN the NEWS - Screams of the Signs of the Times

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: Luke 21:26

People in China scream from their balconies--some scream they are starving. Dozens of people have been filmed recently jumping to
their deaths in Shanghai.  Some people have been sealed in their homes by the Chicom governmnt.
It's not just the 26,000,000 of Shanghai under lock down, but other cities of tens of millions i China. In total well over 100,000.000 people on this planet are living this right now. And think of all the stuff going on that isn't making it out to the rest of the world due to Chicom Big-Tech style Censorship.
---All this also in the context of recent SCIENTIFIC studies that show Lockdowns don't work---and Shanghai itself--despite these draconian measures, is claiming over 25,000 new cases a day...
Click on Link Below to HEAR THEIR SCREAMS