Tuesday, April 26, 2022

IN the NEWS - a Laudato Si' style Social Credit Score coming soon to an app near you?

Could this "Digital Innovation" one day be part of the big picture to help enforce the mark of the beast? Picture the scene switching to a programmable digital currency to control your buying and selling--then add this nonsense for virtuous citizens to be able to buy and sell based on their cooperation based on their Laudato' Si type score for the setting up of Sunday as a Green Holy Day as the holy see is calling for....just a thought...And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev.13:17
"The city of Bologna, Italy, has announced a pilot program to reward “virtuouscitizens for recycling, taking public transportation, and
curbing energy usage.
The program, which has been likened to China’s social credit system, is slated to go into effect in September, 2022, using a “smart citizen wallet” app for cell phones.
Citizens will have access to their rating, which can be improved by earning points that they may then “spend” on prizes such as rebates and cultural activities as a reward for their “virtuous behavior.” Bugani stated that the app was part of a broader initiative by the city of Bologna to engage in digital innovation." Breitbart