Friday, April 22, 2022

IN the NEWS - Crimewave Gets Nastier [Degenerating to Gen. 6:11]

But as the days of Noah were, 
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:37
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence....And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there....Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder,.... Gen.6:11/Eccl.3:16/Romans 1:29
"A 51-year-old security guard was executed in broad daylight this week outside a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia....The victim, identified as Anthony Frazier, had just exited an SUV and was walking along a
sidewalk near American Wings and Seafood when he was shot in the back of the head at point-blank range....A masked suspect apparently armed with a gun can be seen stalking Frazier. He later appears to remove belongings from the victim before fleeing...Shortly afterwards, other individuals approach Frazier’s body and can be seen taking additional items, including his wallet...Frazier had reportedly taken the security guard gig less than a month prior as a second job in an effort to make ends meet." 
Watch Video [click on LINK Below] 

"The sicko perp accused of raping 4-year-old twins in Pennsylvania
flashed a huge grin and spat at a Post photographer Wednesday following his arrest in New York.
Isaiah Metz, who was wearing pajama bottoms and no shoes, laughed immediately after firing the spitball and screamed “b—-h” as he was hauled by cops into Manhattan Criminal Court.
The accused fiend had allegedly attacked two NYPD cops when they tried to take him into custody on the heinous sex assault charges."
"A New York City mother was discovered dead inside of a blood-soaked duffel bag Saturday morning about a half-mile from her
home in Queens, police said. Police said an individual reported finding the blood-stained bag near Metropolitan Avenue and Jackie Robinson Parkway at 8:11 a.m., PIX 11 noted....Inside they found Orsolya Gaal, 51, “unconscious and unresponsive,” police said. .. Once on the scene, authorities found 51-year-old Orsolya Gaal’s body inside the bag and followed a trail of blood back to her residence on Juno Street, New York City Police (NYPD) said.
Police said once they reached the home, they made an “emergency entry” into the residence where they made contact with her 13-year-old son, who was wondering where his mother was.
On Sunday, the NYPD said surveillance video showed an unidentified man lugging the duffle down the road, the New York Post reported. The man was coming from the direction of Gaal’s home...David Bonola, 44, of Queens, was arrested Thursday and charged with murder, criminal tampering and criminal possession of a weapon....It is not clear if Bonola has entered a plea or retained an attorney. NYPD sources tell PEOPLE Bonola is the handyman police wanted to speak to in the days following Gaal's death. Bonola and Gaal at one time had a romantic relationship, and it's likely he knew where the family stored a spare key to their Forest Hills residence, the sources say."