Sunday, April 3, 2022

Creation Moment 4/4/2022 - Darwinian Fairy Tales: Red Flag when "millions of years" Waved Around...

Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
Proverbs 14:7 

"New sabre-tooth predator precedes cats by millions of years (PeerJ via PhysOrg, 15 March 2022). From a piece of bone, a Darwinist weaves a tale about saber teeth on a pre-cat.
But 42 million years ago, mammals were only just figuring out how to survive on meat alone,” said Dr. Ashley Poust, postdoctoral researcher at the San Diego Natural History Museum (The Nat). “One big advance was to evolve specialized teeth for slicing flesh—which is something we see in this newly described specimen.
Aside from the personification and teleology in this statement (animals “figuring out” how to survive by “evolving” specialized teeth), Dr Poust waves ‘millions of years’ around as if they were creative forces.
Nothing like this had existed in mammals before,” said Poust. “A few mammal ancestors had long fangs, but Diegoaelurus and its few relatives represent the first cat-like approach to an all-meat diet, with sabre-teeth in front and slicing scissor teeth called carnassials in the back. It’s a potent combination that several animal groups have independently evolved in the millions of years since.” CEH