Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Creation Moment 4/14/2022 - Chatty Mushrooms?

And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:12

"By far the most delectable news item to come across the transom
Thursday was the revelation that mushrooms are magical indeed: the British journal Royal Society Open Science has published, according to the New York Post, a startling new study that claims that mushrooms can talk to each other — and even have a bountiful vocabulary.....researchers “found that the ‘fungal language’ exceeds the European languages in morphological complexity.”

Human communication can be recorded as a trading of electrical impulses, you see, and for some of us that’s a considerable improvement. In a similar way, Adamatzky “found that the electrical spikes often occurred in clusters, mirroring human vocabularies and employing up to 50 words.” He explained in his study, “We demonstrate that distributions of fungal word lengths match that of human languages.” Split gills are the most articulate of the chatty fungi: the study found that “split gills — a species that resides in rotting wood — generated the most complex ‘sentences’ of the four fungi.

The examiners of mushroom conversation suggest that they “‘chat’ in order to make their presence known to other members of their cluster — much like wolves howling to alert the pack.” They could also be “trying to tip off fellow fungi, both to potential threats — such as the weather — as well as sources of sustenance.PJM