Saturday, April 9, 2022

Creation Moment 4/10/2022 - Weakness of the "Big Bang" Model

 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Ephesians 4:14

"According to the standard cosmological model, the universe originated in the so-called “big bang.” It follows from present observations that the Hubble constant,
H = 55 (km/s)/Mpc = 1.78 · 10-18 s-1,
represents the initial rate of expansion of the universe. On assuming a constant rate of expansion, the inverse value 1/H = 18 · 109 years
gives the moment in time when all matter was supposedly compressed in one point. 
The age of the universe is defined by means of this extreme extrapolation.
In this scheme, the earth is very much a latecomer in our universe. Allegedly, it split off from the sun or from the mass surrounding the sun. 
Scientific Objections: The assumption that the rate of expansion has ALWAYS been the same is purely arbitrary. Furthermore, it is assumed that the calculated time spans really occurred. 
Q: What will happen if such a long time span before the present was not available? 
A: The question of the origin of matter has in any case not been answered. In his book The First Three Minutes [W2, p. 119] Steven Weinberg concedes that the big-bang theory is pure speculation:
In following this account of the first three minutes, the reader may feel that he can detect a note of scientific overconfidence. He might be right. . . . It is often necessary to forget one’s doubts and to follow the consequences of one’s assumptions wherever they may lead. . . . This does not mean that it is true. . . . Nevertheless, there is one great uncertainty that hangs like a dark cloud over the standard model (= the big bang).
The declared purpose of cosmology is to understand the structure,
operation, and origin of the universe and the earth only “in the framework of natural laws.” 
This restriction precludes the planning and purposeful acts of a Creator God; furthermore, we find ourselves outside the scope of science. The purely materialistic constraint posed by Wuketits has no scientific basis: “No ‘a priori’ purpose exists. . . . There is no planning Spirit, since evolution itself is the planner and creates its own laws.” Many scientific objections can be raised against the above model; we mention only two:
  1. Ninety-eight percent of the rotational energy of the solar system is found in the planets, although they only comprise one percent of the total mass. This exceptional ratio excludes the possibility that the earth and the other planets could have been formed from the mass of the sun.
  2. The earth possesses a large number of astronomical and physical peculiarities which make life on earth possible. In addition, the exact values of very many properties must fall inside very restricted bounds, all at the same time. The following prerequisites are exceedingly improbable in the light of the nebular hypothesis:
    • the correct distance between earth and sun
    • the elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun with its small eccentricity
    • the constant energy output of the sun
    • the correct rate of rotation of the earth
    • the optimum tilt angle between the axis of the earth and the ecliptic
    • the correct size and mass of the earth
    • the correct quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the earth
    • the correct quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth
    • the correct distance of the moon from the earth." AIG