Thursday, April 28, 2022

ARCHAEOLOGY: Romans 1:28 Leads to a Tzompantli

Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, 
He abandoned them to their foolish thinking 
and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:28 NLT
"....Mexican police, while finding a pile of around 150 skulls in a cave
near Guatemalan border, could never imagine what it will actually turn out to be.   
 Wondering what it was actually? Well, let’s cut to the chase and finally break it to you, it was the remains of sacrificial victims, who were killed between AD 900 and 1200....In these victims, there were more females than males. These victims in the cave may have been ritually decapitated. Later, the skulls were put for display on a kind of trophy rack, which is known as a 'tzompantli’." WION