Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Which is the Gloomy Doctrine? Immortality of the Soul OR Soul Sleep?

 O grave, where is thy victory? 1 Cor. 15:55
 "If the soul is immortal, as you affirm, 
Q: how long are these impenitent men thus to suffer? 
You answer again, and this time surely with a shudder, THEY MUST SUFFER TO ALL ETERNITY.

Before we part, will you not own that yours is a gloomy doctrine
Q: Is it not a relief to your mind to think that men are to be judged BEFORE they are rewarded or punished, and that till the day of Judgment men wait for their reward? 
---And is not that doctrine best which teaches that immortality is the gift of God, and that it is given only to the righteous?" J.N. Andrews