Friday, March 25, 2022

The "I AM" of the Sabbath

"But to know God is to know not only that He is, but also what He is, for His name is not simply “I AM,” but “I AM THAT I AM,”....
     Therefore as the Sabbath is a sign 
       which God has set,
          by which those who hallow it 
             may know that He is the Lord their God; follows with perfect certainty that there is in the Sabbath that by which those who hallow it may find the knowledge of God. 
The Sabbath is God’s sign, and Christ is God’s sign. 
Christ is God’s sign spoken against, 
and the Sabbath is God’s sign spoken against; 
and all,…
Luke 2
35 …that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." A.T. Jones