Sunday, March 6, 2022


"In seeking to strengthen his relations with the powerful kingdom lying to the southward of Israel, Solomon ventured upon forbidden ground.
1 Kings 3
Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and
took Pharaoh’s daughter, and brought her into the city of
From a human point of view, this marriage, although contrary to the
teachings of God’s law, seemed to prove a bless
ing; for
Solomon’s heathen wife was converted, and united with him in the worship of the true God.  
Furthermore, Pharaoh rendered signal service to Israel by taking Gezer, slaying...
1 Kings 9
...the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and [giving] it for a
present unto his daughter, Solomon’s wife.

Solomon rebuilt and fortified this city, and thus apparently greatly strengthened his kingdom along the Mediterranean seacoast.
The barrier was further broken by
Solomon’s marriage with
other heathen princesses. He flattered himself that his wisdom
and the power of his example would lead his wives from idolatry to the worship of the true God, and also that the alliances thus formed would draw the nations round about into close touch with the people of God. Vain hope!
---How fatal was Solomon’s mistake in regarding himself strong enough to resist the influence of heathen associates!---
And how fatal, too, the deception that led
Solomon to hope
that a disregard of God’s law on his part, would lead others to
revere and obey its sacred precepts!"