Saturday, March 26, 2022

So What Was Fatima Really About?

Lucifer, knowing the end is nearing of this Great Controversy
playing out on the Space Fabric of Time between him and God, which is nestled between the two Pillars of Decrees from the Throne of God ("Let There Be Light" & "It Is Finished"), flung out to the world a COUNTERFEIT LATTER RAIN through the CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT and flung the world into WW1 and the pestilence of the Spanish Flu.
It was in this time frame he TESTED his ability to ( that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men... Rev.13:13) at Fatima---a Trial run of his abilities to come to deceive.
It was also the time men were Blinded and Deluded by the nonsensical belief that they are related to Common Beasts of the Field took hold.
He flung the world shortly thereafter into the anarchy of Bolshevism and bathed it in the bloodshed of Marxism and another World War as well as an Economic Great Depression. 

Now he tries to spark another world war as the world is ravaged by pandemic and Inflation. In the backdrop he has been bleeding mankind through Islamic Terrorism and eroding the culture with the acceptance of what God calls an Abomination as well as blinding the world with the Mysticism of Mother Earth Worship via the modern environmental movement. 
From Laudato Si' (calling for Green Lockdowns) to Digital Currency (that could allow governments to control your buying and selling) will the next Fatima type event be nearing?