Monday, March 21, 2022

SDA Issues - Shame on Church Leaders in Chile

Wherefore come out from among them, 
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, 
and touch not the unclean thing
and I will receive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17
The alliances made by the Israelites [Adventists] with their heathen neighbors [Catholics and witch doctors, spirit mediums] resulted in the loss of their identity as God’s peculiar people. 
They became leavened by the evil practices of those with whom they formed forbidden alliances. 
Affiliation with worldlings caused them to lose their first love,
 and their zeal for God’s service. 
The advantages they sold themselves to gain, brought only disappointment, and caused the loss of many souls
Review and Herald, August 4, 1904.
"Gabriel Boric had only been in office for a day when he organized a pagan ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Chile. On Saturday, March 12, 2022, Gabriel Boric began his second day as President by performing a pagan rite with members of the Yagán, Lican Antai, Mapuche Pewenche, Rapa Nui, Mapuche Lafkenche, Diaguita, Füta Warria, and Colla indigenous faiths.
Later that day, President Gabriel Boric attended an interfaith prayer and worship service with Adventists, Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, and indigenous spirit mediums.
President Gabriel Boric expresses his plans to collaborate and dialogue with witch doctors, spirit mediums, and those involved in ancestral worship as part of the new “intercultural work” and “relationship between the government and the original (indigenous) peoples.”
Later that day President Gabriel Boric and members of his cabinet attended an interfaith prayer and worship service in Santiago’s Roman Catholic cathedral. 
The same spirit and message that were present when President Gabriel Boric participated in the indigenous pagan worship ceremony were carried over to the Christian churches’ ecumenical service.
The President of the Chilean Episcopal Conference, Rome’s highest governing authority in Chile, Cardinal Celestino Aós, Archbishop of Santiago, presided over the ceremony. Once again, Rome was in control. In his speech, Cardinal Celestino Aós spoke of the need to “seek a Chile where we all live together, respecting each other, listening to each other, dialoguing, collaborating” and “fostering a mystique of brotherhood” while building “a more efficient social organization.”
The Prayer to Saint Francis of Assis was sung at the end of the ecumenical service."