Wednesday, March 16, 2022

SDA Issues- Matthew Korpman and Canadian Pre-Crime bill

And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. Luke 21:16

How MIGHT this be used during the Mark of the Beast Controversy?
[we even have a so-called "Adventist" named Matthew Korpman claiming that Pastor Walter
Veith is "anti-christian" for holding tho the Biblical teachings/warnings about the Beast Power of Revelation]
We live in a very dark decade in the 2020's in western democracies as anything someone disagrees with is either now labeled "conspiracy theory", "hate speech" or "misinformation" in order to bully people into silence if one can't defeat their arguments in the public arena.
More specifically, as to Canada we just witnessed Trudeau going full LITERAL Fascist on peaceful protesters who dared challenged him in the public arena and he used the powers of government to hurt his ideological opponents.
---As to the case of the likes of Matthew Korpman could his mentality be used by a law like this to punish those who hold to Biblical teachings about Papal Rome one day under this kind of a law?....just asking/just a thought...
"In what has been coined “pre-crimes” legislation is actually making its way through the Canadian Parliament which would allow for citizens to be taken to court and penalized if they are suspected of simply intending to post “hate speech” online.
The proposed law encourages Canadians to report other Canadians to the authorities for intent to post hate speech online and allows courts to punish Canadian citizens for things they haven’t done yet.
Alarming aspects, in ascending order: 
1) Fuzzy and circular definition of “hateful” speech (“involves detestation…stronger than dislike”)
2) Encouraging citizens to report on one another — creepy 
3) The ability to punish people for something they haven’t actually done yet (!)
Under the proposed law, provincial courts may add penalties that they consider “desirable to secure the good conduct of the defendant,” including 
---having the defendant wear an electronic monitoring device, ---confining them to their home or place of residence at set times.
If a Canadian citizen “fears on reasonable grounds that another
person will commit
” hate speech online, or “an offense motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other similar factor,” they may lay the information before a Canadian court.
The bill has not yet passed into law, but it has the backing of the Canadian government led by their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Where does this end, no one knows?" TP