Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Papal Notes - What Role will the Little Horn Power Play, if any?

 And power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Revelation 13:7
"Rome is ready to resolve the political and theological conflicts
between Russia and Ukraine. The Vatican has devised a strategy to radically transform the world’s political and religious systems. They believe that the best approach to resolve society’s political difficulties is to eliminate all religious differences.

The Vatican News reported:

Cardinal Parolin called for the avoidance of any military escalation, an end to the violence, and the opening of peace talks, insisting “it is never too late” for negotiation. He said the Holy See is “ready to facilitate negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.”

To avert this danger, Cardinal Parolin said, “there is a need to avoid any escalation, stop the clashes and negotiate.” He also expressed concern about the “possible return to ‘a new cold war with two opposing blocs.’” Such a “disturbing scenario,” the Cardinal said, “goes against the culture of fraternity that Pope Francis proposes as the only way to build a just, solidarity-based and peaceful world.”

The Secretary of State also spoke about the disagreements between the Churches: “In the history of the Church, unfortunately, there has never been a lack of particularities and they have led to many painful divisions, as Saint Paul

testifies at the very origin of Christianity, and who at the same time exhorts us to overcome them. In this sense, we see encouraging signs in the appeals of the heads of the Orthodox Churches, who show willingness to leave aside the memory of mutual wounds and to work for peace … which can play a fundamental role in preventing the situation from worsening further.”

The Vatican has just stated that it wants to put an end to both Russia and Ukraine’s military conflicts as well as their religious differences." AdventMessenger