Thursday, March 3, 2022

Papal Notes - Don't Give Francis Anymore Ideas Erwin

 "...Bishop Erwin Kräutler went on to propose that Pope Francis should take a much tougher stance on the climate crisis, suggesting that instead of using the phrase “Laudato Si,” a term borrowed from the “Canticles of St. Francis,” the Pope’s next climate encyclical
should be called “Dies Irae,” or “Day of Wrath.” This refers to the Day of God’s Judgment. The Franciscan monk Thomas of Celano wrote the Latin hymn “Dies Irae” in the year 1256, which is used today during Catholic mass ceremonies for the dead

Bishop Erwin Kräutler stated the following during the interview:

Question: Pope Francis can be considered one of the great promoters of defense in the care of the Common Home. Can we say that the advice he gives has political force? To what extent do his words influence decision-making?

Bishop Erwin Kräutler: I fondly remember the day of April 4,
2014, when I was with Pope Francis and he revealed to me that he was writing an encyclical on ecology … I took advantage of the occasion to insist that the promised encyclical could not fail to make extensive references to the Amazon and the indigenous peoples. And the Pope accepted my request in articles 37/38 and 145/146. “Laudato si, mi Signore”!

In the encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis intends to cross any confessional, political, racial and ideological borders and address all humanity on all continents.

Q: What does the Day of Judgment have to do with sustainability and integral ecology? 
A: Absolutely nothing! 
But according to Bishop Erwin Kräutler and Catholic social doctrine, they are intimately connected. Rome is linking God’s Day of Judgment with a Catholic funeral mass song and the climate crisis. They are trying to use hysteria to scare people into adopting the principles outlined in Laudato Si’.
Our churches must not become entangled in ecological propaganda
but should focus on the mission that Christ gave us. Instead, the world is being led into grave errors and pagan heresies. This is causing people to embrace Sunday as the solution to the climate crisis. Instead of more reflection and study of the Bible, so-called church leaders are exalting climate ideologies above the true Christian faith. And since there is no reference to any ecological sins, this means that Rome’s climate change agenda falls under the category of a man-made tradition.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9." AdventMessenger