Friday, March 11, 2022

J.N. LOUGHBOROUGH on Current Events: Exhibit A: Digital Currency

"PROPHECY has been defined as "history written in advance." 
This being the case, and the prophecy proceeding from the divine mind - from One having power to foresee the future - the events of the real history would most surely fit the prophecy." 
Exhibit A: Digital Currency--the governments ability to control who buys or sells...LITERALLY....
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17
--NBC Headline: Biden takes big step toward government-backed
digital currency
--CoinTelegraph Headline: Iran aims to develop a central bank digital currency 
--Times of India Headline: India joins the Central Bank Digital Currency club
--Bloomberg Headline: Jamaica Offers Free Money to Digital Currency’s First Adopters
"When a consumer uses a digital currency to make a store payment, the retailer could indicate to the platform that a specific transaction took place for a specific amount at a specific time. The CBDC administrator could use that information to narrow down the potential users and possibly pinpoint an individual, negating any anonymity. Tracking every transaction raises privacy and civil liberties concerns.  One argument for CBDCs is the elimination of physical money. But if it is replaced with a system that can be monitored by law enforcement and intelligence agencies while not allowing offline peer-to-peer transactions using some kind of hardware security like a chip or SIM card, then we are going to be giving up something quite fundamental..." RollCall
"....Von Reitz concludes her 22nd January letter with a call to action
for Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic Church to reject the existing financial system and "join with the people in putting an end to corporate greed and lack of accountability". CoinDesk