Saturday, March 26, 2022

IN the NEWS - Relishing Greed?

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, ...this also is vanity. ....Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household,...
Ecclesiastes 5:10 ESV/Proverbs 15:27 ESV 
With the REAL INFLATION numbers (if one uses the the pre-Clinton administration calculation method which is the more accurate method) Inflation is at 15%, an all time high. So if Wage Increases are less than that you are falling behind economically.
This dude who runs Applebee's thinks this is an "advantage"  being able to CUT Wages for new employees he admits are LIVING "PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK."...he has apparently troubled "his own household" of Applebee's....just saying...

"As American workers and businesses struggle with the fallout from the most vicious bout of inflation in 40 years, workers across the US are struggling as wage growth lags behind inflation. For example, federal jobs data released last month showed that wage growth was disappointingly slow, as the YoY growth rate actually declined from January, coming in at just 5.1% (and missing the Wall Street consensus forecast of 5.8%)..... Applebees in Lawrence, Kansas, when workers quit en masse in protest of a suggestion by management to try and hire new workers at a lower wage, based on the notion that higher gas prices would force more of the millions of Americans currently on the sidelines of the labor market to seek employment.

Here's what happened, according to a report in the Lawrence Journal-World.

The restaurant on south Iowa Street was closed for large parts of Tuesday because of high gasoline prices, but perhaps not for the reasons you would think. Multiple employees of the chain quit after seeing an email from a regional manager urging the restaurant to begin hiring employees at lower wages, under the theory that people are becoming more desperate to take a job as fuel prices increase.

"Everyone has heard that gas prices continue to rise,” read an email that came from the account of Wayne Pankratz, executive director of operations for Applebee’s franchisee Apple Central LLC. "The advantage this has for us is that it will increase application flow and has the
potential to lower our average wage. How you ask?
Most of our employee base and potential employee base live paycheck to paycheck. Any increase in gas price cuts into their disposable income. As inflation continues to climb and gas prices continue to go up, that means more hours employees will need to work to maintain their current level of living."

The workers' revolt started when one of the managers at the restaurant saw the email, and was so enraged, he made copies and distributed them to other employees. By the time the restaurant was set to open on Tuesday, the staff refused to work, and a walkout began." ZeroHedge