Thursday, March 17, 2022

IN the NEWS - From Japan to Iran

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: 
   and there shall be famines, 
      and pestilences, 
         and earthquakes, 
in divers places.  
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Matthew 24:7,8
WE do NOT believe in "prophecy by headline" where every event in the news is used to excite people as a fulfillment of we have 2 quakes rocking two sides of planet earth the same day. (Yeah I know Iran has lots of quakes so by itself it doesn't mean anything).
Question is---what is going on in the earth's plates?
More to the point is that this serves as a backdrop to the planet coming off 2 years of pandemic, social unrest, surge of inflation and now war as well as some calling for Green Lockdowns based on COVID Lockdowns (sort of a Laudato Si' style Green Lockdown on Sundays--which is what Laudato Si' is really calling for).....who knows if these twin quakes of harbingers of more to come OR just the same old qaukes we get every year....oh, and let's not forget about the push for programmable Digital Currency...oh, and the predictions of a FOOD SHORTAGE later this year....we've been here before in history---EXCEPT for the Digital Currency to control your buying and selling globally and being like the days of Lot as LGBTmania sweeps the Globe and even Churches......those are unique this time so I think your getting the picture...And one more thing--those nasty solar flares that can knock out power (already destroying earlier this year 40 satellites of Elon Musk's and hampering radio transmissions over the Indian Ocean) is expected to peak by 2025 and could be exceptionally bad....
"A powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima in northern Japan on Wednesday night, smashing furniture, knocking out power and killing four people. A small tsunami reached shore, but the low-risk advisory was lifted by
Thursday morning.
The region is part of northern Japan that was devastated by a deadly 9.0 quake and tsunami 11 years ago that caused nuclear reactor meltdowns, spewing massive radiation that still makes some parts uninhabitable.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told a parliamentary session Thursday morning that four people died during the quake and the cause of their deaths are being investigated, while 97 others were injured.
The Japan Meteorological Agency early Thursday lifted its low-risk advisory for a tsunami along the coasts of Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. Tsunami waves of 30 centimeters (11 inches) reached shore in Ishinomaki, about 390 kilometers (242 miles) northeast of Tokyo." AP 
"An earthquake measuring 6.0 magnitude struck near southern Iran
early on Thursday, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences said.The quake was at a depth of 10 km (6.21 miles)." Reuters