Thursday, March 24, 2022

IN the NEWS - Equation of The Great Reset vs. Free Will

FREE WILL Still Required till the End---(in the forehead means they believe it and in their hands means they go along just to buy and sell)---And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Revelation 13:16

These people are Deranged.....and WHAT IF the Beast Power Climbs onboard this? 
Q: NOW is it Likely to come to fruition? 
A: Probably not because that would destroy Free Will as we near the End of this Great Controversy between God & His opponent played out here on the space fabric of time. Free Will is a Required Component in this Great Controversy. 
---But the fact that people on the planet, with access to power and wealth, are even thinking these things is SCARY.

"Dr. Harari about hackable humans-
The twin revolutions of infotech and biotech are now giving politicians the means to create heaven or hell, but the philosophers are having trouble conceptualizing what the new heaven and the new hell will look like.
That equation is B x C x D = AHH — which means Biological knowledge multiplied by Computing power multiplied by Data equals the Ability to Hack Humans.
.....Now globalism doesn’t mean establishing a global government, abandoning all national traditions, or opening the border to unlimited immigration. Rather, globalism means a commitment to some global rules."
In November, 2021, a Pentagon-sponsored RAND report detailed how the US Defense and Intelligence communities are on the cusp of ushering in a new era of transhumanism by funding research into gene editing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Bodies to enhance human performance.
The technological potentials of this controversial transhumanist research include potentially “adding reptilian genes that provide the ability to see in infrared,” and “making humans stronger, more intelligent, or more adapted to extreme environments,” according to the report — “Technological Approaches to Human Performance Enhancement.
RAND says the modalities for human performance enhancement (HPE) can be grouped into three principal categories:
  1. Gene editing
  2. Applications of artificial intelligence (AI)
  3. Networked technologies that are wearable or even implantable (the so-called Internet of Bodies [IoB])." TheSociable