Tuesday, March 8, 2022

IN the NEWS - The 4 Options in Ukraine

....and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24
What could be the possible options here?
1) Someone is simply Lying to get 15 minutes of Fame.
2) Someone started the Rumor as a Joke and some who hear it began to believe it.
3) It was one of those "UFO" things we keep hearing about that is thought to be actually highly classified new weapons systems--and this was one tested in a real world scenario.
4) Was it "divine intervention" as the relayer of the story claims to believe?
My own OPINION is that I'm torn between options 1&3 

"Lytvynenko said one man shared with him a story of his son who's serving in the Ukrainian army.
"He said, 'There's some miracle that happened. It looked like an attack (on the Russians) from a spaceship. There was some kind of lightning shooting from the sky,'" Lytvynenko told CBN News. "And sparks were spreading everywhere." 

In the morning, they (the Ukrainian troops) discovered the Russian tanks and other mobile units had been destroyed.

"All of those soldiers thought maybe it was done by some kind of a weapon we didn't know about," Lytvynenko said. "It was just God's intervention." CBN