Friday, March 4, 2022

Creation Moment 3/5/2022 - Until the sixth day......

"Before there was time, there was God. 
He existed in perfect harmony as the God-head: Father, Spirit, Son; one-in-three and three-in-one. Out of the silence, God spoke.

“Let there be light!” There was light … and God saw that the light was good (Gen. 1:3-4a).

Seven times in five days, God spoke; and that which wasn’t, suddenly was.

Until the sixth day. On the sixth day, He did things differently.

God entered in
--The Creator stepped off the throne and into that which He’d
--He took dust from the ground and molded it until it took the shape of a man.
Then God entered in again
--He tilted back the head of his son, breathed a piece of Himself into the man, and the man became a living being." TOW