Thursday, March 10, 2022

Creation Moment 3/11/2022 - "prehensile-sucker-foot Biden" Challenges Evolution

....and a time to laugh... Eccl. 3:4

"Meet Syllipsimopodi bideni, which means prehensile-sucker-foot

Biden.” It’s a fossil of a new species of squid that was found by two curators who work at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York, who felt their discovery would honor the 46th president of the United States. 

The fossil challenges the evolutionary narrative about squids, says the press release from AMNH. The title, “New Species of Extinct Vampire-Squid-Like Cephalopod,” may add insult to injury to associate Biden with a blood-sucking monster extending its sucker-laden tentacles to pry the lifeblood out of its victims. They surely did not mean it that way, but it will be hard for Republicans not to snicker.

Tom Fletcher, Honorary Research Fellow in Palaeobiology at the University of Leicester agrees that this fossil does not help the evolutionary story for cephalopods. It was torpedo-shaped like modern squid. It probably used jet propulsion for locomotion like modern squid. It possessed “rounded fins on either side of its body for stability,” and it “probably lived in a similar way to true squid today,” with arms specialized for grasping and suckers to manipulate its food. So where is the evolution in 325 million years? To save face, Fletcher claims it is helping the evolutionary narrative anyway because scientists are solving the puzzle piece by piece. This is the famous “we’re getting warmer” defense in Darwinization stratagey.

In addition, this fossil revealed exquisite soft-tissue impressions (Lagerstätte = exceptionally preserved fossil site). The paper does not make it clear if any original unfossilized tissue is present, but they did find the ink sac and other delicate features. “While less common, non-mineralized fossil vampyropods are known from several Mesozoic lagerstätten,” they postulate, “their unique biochemistry appears to improve the preservation potential of their soft tissues.” 

Evidence, please? Are they saying that only to maintain their belief in 325 million Darwin Years?" CEH