Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Armenia/Turkey Then (1897) -- Ukraine/Russia Today (2022) [E.J. Waggoner]

BELOW was penned in 1897 by E.J. Waggoner on the Ottoman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians. 
Q: Is anything written below in 1897 relevant in 2022?
A: We'll let YOU decide as God gives YOU Free Will. Of course God decides whether what YOU decide is right or wrong.
Crucifixion of Armenian Christian Girls by Ottoman Turks to Mock their Religion in Death

 "...the attention of the whole civilized world has been directed to the events taking place in Turkey. The Armenian massacres have been
discussed in doubtless every pulpit in Christendom, and the papers, both secular and religious, have overflowed with accounts, comments, and suggestions. Indeed, one expects to see in his daily paper a column devoted to the situation in Turkey or to the relation of the Powers to it, just as regularly as to the state of the market.

While we do not repeat the reports of these massacres, we shall, for the purpose of our present study, assume that they are all true, both as to the numbers of Armenians slain, and as to the cruelties perpetrated. It might be well, however, to remember that in these reports we have the testimony from only one side,—that of the
Ukrainian Mother, Father & 2 Children Gunned Down by Russians

Armenians and those who are prejudiced against the Turks,—yet we will not now stop to question their truthfulness; let each one think that the outrages are as fearful as his imagination has pictured them.

The taking of human life under any circumstances is an awful thing. To read of men being shot and stabbed, of human bodies mangled and bleeding in the streets, or kicked to one side as though they were dogs, is horrible; yet no description can equal the reality. So we say that people do well to shudder as they read of wholesale slaughter. 

Ukrainian Soldiers Shooting Russian POW's Legs

But fearful as the massacres in Turkey may have been, there is something to which we do not see anybody’s attention specially called, which is still more shocking, so much more shocking that there can be no comparison. What is that thing?—it is the almost universal cry for vengeance, the demand for war,—for more killing,—that has issued and is still issuing from the lips and pens of professed followers and ministers of Christ. We do not wish to call attention to any individual, but only to the thing, and therefore we shall not give the names of those whose utterances.

One speaker said that “if necessary, England must stand alone in order to bring to an end this chapter of Eastern misrule.” This, as another truly said, would doubtless “provoke a European war,” yet even this the reverend gentlemen assembled were ready to accept, for still another said, “With Russia or without her, with the Concert of Europe or without it, we can, we must, we will, deliver the Armenians.” Remember now that to “deliver the Armenians” means war.

  Jesus said, in the Sermon on the Mount:
Matthew 5
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
That is all that is in the Sermon on the Mount that is especially applicable to this question.
---The killing of a few thousands of people by men who do not
profess to be Christians, is horrible enough; 
---but more horribly wicked still is it when professors and ministers of the Gospel everywhere fill the minds of the people with the idea that war and vengeance are in harmony with and manifestations of the fundamental principles of Christianity. 
---Such teaching only serves to nourish and glorify the natural fierceness which the Bible says will be characteristic of the last days; and with the people become fully imbued with it, there will be needed only a spark to set the whole world ablaze." E.J. Waggoner
"Footage posted to Twitter shows what appears to be Ukrainian
soldiers calling up the mothers of dead Russian soldiers killed in action and mocking them over their loss
Yes, really.
The Ukrainian appeared to be using the phone that belonged to the dead Russian to call his mother.
An alleged neo-nazi Azov Battalion member named Ivan Zaliznyak uploaded the video and five others to his Telegram channel." SummitNews
"Russian forces are killing civilians and looting stores and homes
across occupied parts of southern Ukraine
residents said, as Moscow arrested elected local leaders and sought to replace them with pro-Russian collaborators." WSJ