Monday, February 21, 2022

Trask Tragedy

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God...
 Exodus 20:10

"John Trask acknowledged the obligation of the true Sabbath, and employed voice and pen in its defense. 
He was soon called to account by the persecuting power of the Church of England. He declared the sufficiency of the Scriptures as a guide for religious faith, and maintained that civil authorities should not control the conscience in matters which concern salvation.
He was brought for trial before the infamous tribunal of the Star Chamber, where a long discussion was held respecting the Sabbath. Trask would not depart from the injunctions and commandments of God to obey the commandments of men. 
He was therefore condemned, and sentenced to be set upon the
pillory, and thence to be publicly whipped to the fleet, there to remain a prisoner. 
This cruel sentence was executed, and after a time his spirit was broken. 
He endured his sufferings in the prison for one year, and then recanted. 
Oh that he had suffered on, 
and won a martyr’s crown!"