Friday, February 4, 2022

On the Streets of Babylon: Cowboy Movies Made in Heaven???

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be chatter about "Cowboy Movies Made in Heaven"  on the Streets of Babylon...
 "Kat Kerr,...“Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess”....Speaking with chief-enabler Steve Shultz on episode 58 of Steve and Kat:
"But there are areas in heaven that look like the West. They just are. And someone in particular I have seen, absolutely in heaven, would be John Wayne. I don’t mind dropping names people, I have seen him there.  
What is he doing? Making cowboy movies. What did he do on the earth? You use your gift in heaven. And I saw him making a cowboy movie. In this place, it looks just like the West except there’s no bandits, ok? You’re not going to roast, get scorched, be bit by scorpions, none of that happens. So in your natural mind, you always go ‘well, this is there.’ And it’s not there. It’s a glorious, beautiful place. But it looks just like the West and I happen to know He lives in this part. John Wayne lives in that part of heaven.” Protestia