Wednesday, February 9, 2022

IN the NEWS - Roaming the Streets with Severed Heads [21st Century]

For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire.....He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent....
Psalm 10:3,8
"A gruesome video shows an Iranian man” smiling as he tours a neighborhood showing off his wife’s severed head in one hand and a large knife in his other.

Sajjad Heydari decapitated his wife in an “honor killing.” What did the 17-year-old woman do to deserve this? She was sick of being abused. According to the New York Post, Mona Heydari married her cousin Sajjad when she was 12 years old. 
She was a victim of ongoing domestic abuse.
Mona decided she’d had enough beatings and moved to Turkey to escape her husband’s abuse. She allegedly found it difficult to live in a foreign country and came back. That’s when her husband and his brother decided an “honor killing” was necessary. The two brothers tied up her hands and cut off her head.
Sajjad Heydari then decided to show the people in his neighborhood what he had done. The video shows him proudly smiling as he walks barefoot through a residential neighborhood in the city of Ahvaz, carrying his wife’s head."