Tuesday, February 8, 2022

IN the NEWS - Pro-Mask Crime Wave....a Sign of the Times?

Crime (reminders of like the days of Noah before the end when violence filled the land). This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 
Without natural affection, 
...without self-control, 
2 Timothy 3:1,3 NKJV
REMEMBER---This Pro-Mask Crime Wave is in the context of:
1- Dozens of studies that show cloth masks are not very effective.
2- Fauci's emails that show him telling people in private that the masks are ineffective while publicly saying the opposite.
3- The U.S. government telling people last year to wear 2 masks so as to get overlapping coverage of the holes in the mask (since the virus is 0.3 zicrons in many cases and can penetrate the microscopic holes)
4- Now the CDC admitting the cloth masks most wear are not effective.
......So there is NO EXCUSE for it but that Corrupt, Immoral, Unethical POLITICIANS have FANNED THE  FLAMES OF FEAR for Political Gain...

"Six adults attacked a 17-year-old girl in Berlin for not wearing a face-covering on a tram, beating her so hard she had to be taken to a hospital, reports state.
The attack took place on Saturday evening after the girl reportedly refused to wear a mask on a tram in the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg.

The unidentified girl who was travelling with her friends was initially abused when she refused to wear a mask after being told it was a legal requirement by the other passengers, reports claim.

Die Welt notes that once the girl left the train a group of three men and three women attacked her, punching and kicking her multiple times, and she even had some of her hair torn out. The 17-year-old female victim went to hospital because of her injuries.

The attackers initially managed to leave the scene. Later, one of the three male attackers was identified by police officers from a recording the victim made of the incident."
"Winnipeg police have identified far-left activist David Alexander Zegarac as the driver accused of running down four anti-mandate
on Friday.
Zegarac, 42, was arrested Friday at around 10:30 p.m. after a Jeep struck a group of four protesters at Winnipeg’s Memorial Boulevard at around 9:30 p.m. that evening. Authorities temporarily hospitalized one of the injured protestors, while three others suffered minor injuries as a result of the incident."