Monday, February 7, 2022

IN the NEWS - 2022: Year of the "Pregnant Man"?

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, 
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, 
to do those things which are not convenient.
 Romans 1:28 

"It is impossible for a biological man to get pregnant, and it is impossible for a biological woman to be the biological father of a child. That is not biological science; it is fantasy.
Back in 2021, Apple introduced the bearded woman emoji. If you type the word “beard” in a text message on any Apple device, your iPhone Operating System (iOS) will give you a bearded woman emoji option. 
Now with Apple’s latest update for all of its iOS devices, in 2022 you will get a “pregnant man” emoji option when you type in the word “pregnant.” This new update is intended for transgender men and people who identify as non-binary.
All of this chaos and confusion promotes the notion that men can become pregnant and give birth to children. However, no amount of drugs or cosmetic surgery will be able to change a man’s chromosomes and turn him into a woman capable of menstruating, ovulating, or having children. 
Similarly, you can’t turn a woman into a man capable of producing the sperm that is needed to fertilize an egg or ovum, which is required to produce a human child."