Thursday, February 3, 2022

Health Note - Challenging the Cannabis Myth

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health,...
3 John 1:2
"The number of Scottish cannabis users being hospitalized with psychiatric issues has increased by 74 per cent since 2016, when the drug was semi-decriminalized by Police Scotland. 

Professor Jonathan Chick, medical director of the Castle Craig rehabilitation clinic in the Scottish Borders, was quoted by the Post as saying that the patients he deals with suffer from “dependence and psychosis....Often, where there has been a second or third psychotic breakdown, there has been hospital or police involvement because of incidents of self-harm or harm to others. These patients have
terrifying thoughts
” he explained. “It is a paranoid psychosis where they can’t even go into the street without misinterpreting thoroughly innocuous cues as malevolent. It is a horrible experience… Sometimes the damage is permanent in which case the treatment for schizophrenia involves living and working in safer environments and medication – though there is no medication that doesn’t come without effects such as weight increase, mental slowing and involuntary movements,” he added, warning that “The eye has been taken off the ball with cannabis....We’re still in the grip of this really worrying narrative that cannabis is about peace, love and opening your mind with no harm done,"..adding that the “cannabis myth has to be challenged”.
The news comes as The Telegraph reports on research published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Psychology suggesting that adolescents who consume even small quantities of cannabis may be increasing their chances of developing schizophrenia sixfold.
McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, meanwhile, said that two-and-a-half times more people are being admitted for cannabis-related psychosis in areas where cannabis has been legalized."