Friday, February 25, 2022

Creation Moment 2/26/2022 - polyP

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! 
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Yet another layer of complexity has been added to the lowly

bacterial cell. It has been discovered they can undergo genetic silencing to guard themselves from mutations. A researcher stated this finding is “an extremely important system that had not been appreciated until now."

Prior to this discovery, it was thought all parts of the circular chromosome of the bacteria were fully expressed. In other words, the bacterium could not control chromosome accessibility.
Now it’s been discovered bacteria can regulate their gene (DNA) expression by way of a simple but interesting energy-rich molecule called polyphosphate (or polyP)—ubiquitous in the living world
--It targets a specific protein in the bacterial genome (the total genetic information) that contains problematic elements (e.g. prophages), preventing their transcription (production of RNA molecules using the bacterial DNA strand as a template). 
--Such an important step silences parts of a bacterium’s chromosome (genetic elements) that can cause problems such as harmful mutations. 
--When polyphosphate is absent there is a mobilization of deleterious transposons (DNA elements) and prophages, resulting in cell death via DNA damage.
This discovery of self-protection through selective genetic silencing indicates that bacteria are once again far from simple cells and reflects the mind of the all-wise Creator." ICR