Thursday, February 10, 2022

Creation Moment 2/11/2022 - Attributes of God Reflected in Mathematics SERIES: Omnipresence

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? 
or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
Psalm 139:7
the state of being widespread or constantly encountered.
"the omnipresence of the internet in society today"
"His omnipresence can be seen in the correspondence between nature
and mathematics. 
For example, we can model vocal and instrumental sounds in mathematical terms and reproduce them in our mp3 players using a digital signal processor. 
Or the circumference of all circles is 2πr, no matter how small or large the circle is. 
Both of these would be impossible if mathematics were merely an invention of man’s mind
Mathematicians did not invent math. 
For instance, calculus was not invented by Newton or Leibniz, it was discovered by them. Mathematical reality lies outside of mankind and is not invention or art, it is a study of the order God has put into the entire universe."