Sunday, February 13, 2022

ARCHAEOLOGY: Simbakubwa Kutokaafrika

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11
"Paleontologists just discovered a fossil of a new type of extinct
ferocious-looking mammal that’s bigger than any lion or tiger living today.
This bizarre creature highlights the amazing diversity of lost mammal species that were preserved as fossils in sedimentary rocks deposited during Noah’s Flood.  
Discoveries like this continue to debunk the evolutionary myth of “simple to complex” that we should find throughout the history of life if evolution is true. Instead, the past 150 years of paleontology has shown that a greater level of organismal diversity existed in the past than what is alive today.
The newly found creature has been called Simbakubwa kutokaafrika and is classified as a Hyainailourine hyaenodont—a group of creatures that are among the largest carnivorous land mammals known, although they are not placed in the order Carnivora. 
This creature is even larger than a polar bear, with a skull as big as a rhinoceros’ and huge piercing canine teeth. Despite the sharp teeth, these creatures lacked bone-crushing molars and were thought to do more tearing and shredding than grinding. Their paws lacked the rotational ability of cat paws and were more wolf-like, as were their overall skeletons.
The newly described fossil was discovered in the drawer of a
museum, and had actually been dug up in Kenya over three decades ago, as researchers were searching for evidence of fossil apes. The creature was found in early Miocene strata and is allegedly about 22 million years old according to evolutionary dating. As the secular story goes, “Hyaenodonts arose in Asia in the late Paleocene and quickly spread across the northern continents in the early Eocene.” The terms “arose” and “quickly spread” are evolution-speak, meaning that this unique group of critters appeared suddenly all over the world with no evolutionary precursors.
In the creationist model of global Flood fossil deposition being developed by ICR scientist Dr. Tim Clarey, hyaenodonts would have been buried late in the flood along with other creatures living at higher elevations in more temperate environments including many other mammals, birds, insects and even many plant species.
The fact that many of these more temperate-zone creatures are not only buried in these Cenozoic Flood layers, but making their first appearances in these rocks as well, convincingly supports the geological data of Dr. Clarey showing that the end of the Flood is depicted in the upper Cenozoic near the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary.
--Not only did Dr. Henry Morris II also predict an ecological zonation model of the Flood, but he also accurately surmised a Flood boundary in the upper Cenozoic.
Indeed, even evolutionists are now claiming a massive sixth extinction event at the top of the Cenozoic in the Pliocene.
From the fields of structural geology, ecology, and paleontology, it’s clear that the fossil record of the Flood is represented throughout most of the geological column with the exception of the Pleistocene, which fossils are primarily post-Flood Ice-age deposits.
The fact that these creatures appeared suddenly all over the world with no evolutionary precursors or transitional forms, like every other creature type, not only debunks evolution, but highlights the amazing initial diversity of life present in the pre-Flood era descended from the original created kinds." ICR