Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Papal Notes - Little Horn Sticks Stout Nose Where It Doesn't Belong

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. Daniel 7:20 

"Biden administration’s vaccine mandate went into effect yesterday.
Private companies with over 100 employees must require their workers to either get vaccinated, submit to weekly testing, or face heavy fines. About 80 million workers will be affected. The US Supreme Court on Friday heard challenges opposing the vaccine mandates. However, no decision has yet been made.

That didn’t stop Pope Francis from joining in on the debate. On the same day that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate came into force, Pope Francis spoke to the 183 ambassadors from across the world who have diplomatic ties with the Vatican. During the meeting, he urged foreign leaders to vaccinate their citizens. The Pope declared:

“In the end, a comprehensive commitment on the part of the international community is necessary, so that the entire world population can have equal access to essential medical care and vaccines.” 

“In particular, I would urge all states, who are working to establish an international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response under the aegis of the World Health Organization, to adopt a policy of generous sharing as a key principle to guarantee everyone access to diagnostic tools, vaccines and drugs.” 

This is exactly how the mark of the beast will be imposed. All nations will be “urged” to accept the mark, and the United States will comply with the plan and force it on the rest of the world. 

The Pope is not pleading with the world to repent and seek forgiveness from God because of sin. No, he wants to create an “international instrument” to force vaccines on the entire planet.

The Pope’s remarks on climate change, pandemics, economics,

Sunday rest, and ecumenism are appalling. His beliefs are infected with globalist philosophy, and he has plainly become their spokesperson. He’s Karl Marx dressed as a pope, and he’s attempting to unite the masses in the same way that the beast will join the false prophet and the earthly rulers and merchants, as foretold in the book of Revelation. 

Q: Why does the world follow him? 
Q: Why do the churches support him? 
The entire world is admiring not just a man, but the Antichrist. This Pope has gone well beyond the confines of the gospel and has become, in my opinion, a political figure attempting to influence the outcome of the United States Supreme Court." AdventMessenger