Monday, January 10, 2022

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Riling Kazakhstan

Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia [Lucifer]... Daniel 10:20 "From the days of Adam to our own time, our great enemy has been exercising his power to oppress and destroy." E.G.W.
Prince of Persia is Stoking Bloodshed in central Asia.
The cause appears to be driven by sky rocketing energy costs.
This would be due to two things (which we blogged about on here recently) that the Prince of Persia has Influence over:
1) Incompetent Politicians
2) Radical Policies by Politicians
Q: Is this the tip of the iceberg of more to come globally OR isolated to this region and will simply run it's course?
Q: Or will this feed into a wider conflict? Already Russia, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are apparently being drug into it.

"A wave of deadly riots swept across Kazakhstan earlier this week,
following a sharp rise in gas prices. Despite the government's attempts to quell the crowds and now-fulfilled promises to decrease prices, peaceful protests turned into violent clashes with law enforcement officers, as well as looting, arson and acts of terrorism across the country. 
Thursday, Jan. 6, 2022. Kazakhstan's president authorized security forces on Friday to shoot to kill those participating in unrest, opening the door for a dramatic escalation in a crackdown on anti-government protests that have turned violent.
Kazakhstan is currently under a state of emergency until 19 January
as counter-terrorism operations continue across the country. 
Over 5,000 people have been detained throughout Kazakhstan in relation to the unrest, which saw mass looting, arson, the killing of law enforcement officers, and at least one confirmed beheading of a police officer. The preliminary damage amounts to over $200 million.
Fides: "Until last year - he notes - fuel in Kazakhstan cost 40 cents a liter, an unthinkable price in Italy. Today those prices have been doubled and, at the same time, inflation has reached very high peaks. All this has led the middle class to protest violently: it is these citizens who feel most affected, given that the poor do not own cars. People do not understand why a country that 'floats' on gas and oil must pay so much for oil and gas".
Russian peacekeeping troops, part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) mission to protest-hit Kazakhstan, began emergency prevention exercises at an airfield near Almaty on Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry said. "Russia's CSTO peacekeeping units are conducting exercises at the Almaty airfield to train emergency prevention," a statement read.
Currency exchange services in Kazakhstan's banks have been suspended for security purposes, the country's national bank said Sunday, following several days of protests that started over increased fuel prices and quickly descended into violence.
The suspension is meant to ensure "security and safety of the services themselves as well as staff and clients," according to the bank's statement. The banking system will be restored in stages due to unstable internet and ongoing counterterrorist operation in the city of Almaty, the bank said.

Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov said on Sunday that he could not rule out the possibility that some Kyrgyz citizens may have taken part in protests in Kazakhstan over the past week.
The Organization of Turkic States is ready to offer Kazakhstan any help it needs to overcome the security crisis in the wake of fuel protests, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday. The organization is made up of five Turkic-speaking states, namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan." Sputnik