Sunday, January 16, 2022

IN the NEWS - The path to Freedomless Democracies: Potential Future Impact on 3 Angel's Messages

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:1

1) Another Example of FREEDOMLESS DEMOCRACIES as the government seeks to silence free speech.
2) Isn't the purpose of a Free Society is to have the Free Flow of Ideas in the Public Arena--even IF the Politicians don't like it?
3) So what IF people want to organize protests--as long as they are non-violent?
4) So what IF the information shared doesn't fit with the Politicians narrative they are advancing on a given topic?
--But--for our purposes, the Lesson here is that even in supposed Free Societies of the west mechanisms are being toyed with that could be used in the future to do things like silence the sharing of the 3 Angel's Messages one day in the future.

"A report in the German newspaper Die Welt suggests that the
government there is considering taking action to shut down messaging app Telegram because people opposed to COVID restrictions and lockdowns are using it to organise protests and share information.

The report contains an interview with German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser who stated “We cannot rule this out,” when asked if the platform will be targeted for censorship.

A shutdown would be grave and clearly a last resort. All other options must be exhausted first,” Faeser clarified.

The minister also told the newspaper that while it is currently unclear what legal action would be needed to shut down the platform, the German government is in consultation with the European Union regarding potential regulation of it.

In addition to being independent from big tech, Telegram promises robust end-to-end encryption, ensuring messages remain private.

This has made Telegram a target for authoritarians and big tech monopolists." 