Saturday, January 1, 2022

Health Note- Safely "Detox"? Grab your Pillow and a Water Bottle

 I wish above all things that thou mayest in health...
 John 1:2

"After particularly long stretches of inundating our bodies with treats and drinks—....All you need, the internet says, is a quick detox. 

If your body already has a working liver, working kidneys and working lungs, your body already has the balance it needs,says Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietician at the Mayo Clinic.  

First, don’t skip out on your nightly seven hours. Research has shown that your brain undergoes a natural detoxifying process in the wee hours of the night, removing harmful byproducts—like the amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer’s—produced during a normal day of neurotransmission. But that process is only completed when you get the full seven hours of rest. 

Water is critical for more than feeling hydrated. It keeps your bodily fluids flowing so that the lungs, kidneys, and liver can do their jobs. All bodily processes release some kind of waste, and having enough water is critical to keep blood vessels open and those byproducts flowing to the liver and kidneys where they can be filtered out.

So grab your pillow and a water bottle....." ePocket