Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Don't be a Judas, Esau or Pharaoh

Let him take hold of My strength, 
that he may make peace with Me; 
and he shall make peace with Me.
 Isaiah 27:5
 "Satan leads many to believe that God will overlook their unfaithfulness in the minor affairs of life; but the Lord shows in His dealings with Jacob that He will in no wise sanction or tolerate evil. 
---All who endeavor to excuse or conceal their sins, 
and permit them to remain upon the books of heaven, 
unconfessed and unforgiven, 
will be overcome by Satan. 
---The more exalted their profession and the more honorable the position which they hold, 
the more grievous is their course in the sight of God 
and the more sure the triumph of their great adversary. 
---Those who delay a preparation for the day of God cannot obtain it in the time of trouble or at any subsequent time. 
The case of all such is hopeless. 
These confessions are of the same character as was that of Esau or of Judas
Those who make them, 
lament the result of transgression, 
but not its guilt. 
---They feel no true contrition, 
---no abhorrence of evil. 
They acknowledge their sin, through fear of punishment; 
like Pharaoh of old, they would return to their defiance of Heaven should the judgments be removed."