Sunday, January 2, 2022

Creation Moment 1/3/2022 - STEVE's Transportation System

The Creator's built in Transportation System between the  magnetosphere and ionosphere shows just how balanced this system on earth is---which would indicate DESIGN. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, ....and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:16,17
"A rare upper-atmosphere phenomenon called Strong Thermal
Emission Velocity Enhancement
(STEVE) ..... STEVE events typically appear as a thin ribbon of pinkish-red or mauve-colored light stretching from east to west, farther south than where aurorae usually appear. Even more strange, STEVE is sometimes joined by green vertical columns of light nicknamed the picket fence.  
Because they follow the same field lines across an extensive altitude range, there is no known local mechanism in the ionosphere that can account for them.

Our analysis indicates that both the purple and green STEVE emissions are driven by the same, narrow region, so it must be the magnetosphere,” Dr. Chu said.

This supports our previous study, which provided evidence that

STEVE’s driver region is located at a sharp boundary in the magnetosphere that’s marked by strong waves and particle acceleration.”

The coupling of the ionosphere and the magnetosphere is one of the fundamental topics in space physics, although this process is usually only considered at high latitudes, where aurorae occur.

But our results indicate that strong coupling might also occur at lower latitudes, transporting vast quantities of energy and momentum between the magnetosphere and ionosphere, Dr. Chu said."