Sunday, January 30, 2022

Creation Moment 1/31/2022 - First Cause

"In the beginning … what? Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, but why think that’s true? 
First, nothing comes into being without a cause, a basic principle of science and rationality. Everything we see that started to be has some sort of cause. 

But we also know that the universe itself had a beginning. The laws of thermodynamics powerfully imply that the universe had a beginning. And an infinite regress of secondary causes can’t even exist, because it can be shown mathematically that this would lead to absurdities! But that means the universe itself had a cause. 
Q: But what could cause the universe? 
A: The universe is all of space-time-matter reality, so the cause can’t be bound by those things. And it must be powerful to cause the universe! 
The simplest solution is an eternal, non-material, uncaused cause. 
Q: But how to get a temporal effect from an eternal cause? 
A: That cause must have freely chosen to create, so it must be a personal cause. 
So the simplest cause for the universe is a single, powerful, personal, eternal, immaterial, uncaused cause—it sounds a lot like God." CMI