Sunday, January 23, 2022

Creation Moment 1/24/2022 - Now "Science" Magaizine Admits the Obvious too.....

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
"Darwin’s racism was finally admitted in the world’s most esteemed
science journal titled Science. The article by Princeton University Professor Agustín Fuentes correctly noted that some of Darwin’s racist “assertions were dismally, and dangerously, wrong. ‘Descent’ [of Man, Darwin’s 1871 treatise, is a book] ….  not to venerate” as is common among many evolutionists today. Fuentes adds that, among Darwin’s book on human evolution,

Descent” is often problematic, prejudiced, and injurious. Darwin thought he was relying on data, objectivity, and scientific thinking in describing human evolutionary outcomes. But for much of the book, he was not. Descent,” like so many of the scientific tomes of Darwin’s day, offers a racist and sexist view of humanity.

Furthermore, Fuentes adds “Darwin portrayed Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia as less than Europeans in capacity and behavior. Peoples of the African continent were consistently referred to as cognitively depauperate, less capable, and of a lower rank than other races.” Fuentes concludes that Darwin

baselessly, asserted evolutionary differences between races. 
He went beyond simple racial rankings, offering justification of empire and colonialism, and genocide, 
through “survival of the fittest.” ."