Saturday, January 1, 2022

Creation Moment 1/1/2022 - "Hierarchical Organization"

 A "Hierarchical Organization" = DESIGN
 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

 "Scientists at Caltech may have sounded the final death knell for the “junk DNA” myth.

A new picture begins to emerge of hierarchical organization in the nucleus. No longer does it look like spaghetti in a basketball. On the contrary, there are territories and compartments throughout the interior. Caltech’s work adds to earlier knowledge of nuclear compartments:
  • Nucleolus: contains transcribed ribosomal RNAs and associated processing molecules
  • Speckles: contain pre-mRNAs and splicing components
  • Transcriptional condensates: contain RNA polymerase II machines and factors

Now, additional hierarchical organization is being found in the nucleus. In the newly identified territories are found ncRNAs (noncoding RNAs, not destined for protein) — thousands of them — that are doing important jobs: guiding regulators into the right territories where “essential nuclear functions” need to take place." EN&V