Sunday, January 9, 2022

Creation Moment 1/10/2022 - Pluto's Moons = DESIGN

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,... Hebrews 11:3
"The small moons—Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra, in order of proximity to Pluto—all rotate much faster than the 20 to 38 days the moons take to orbit the Pluto-Charon system
Kerberos spins the slowest, once every 5.33 hours, whereas Hydra is the whirling dervish of the quartet, rotating once every 26 minutes.
Prior to the New Horizons mission it was believed, from Hubble Space Telescope images, that the moons’ orbits were chaotic. 
But from the data recorded by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager camera on the New Horizons spacecraft during its fly-by of this system, it has been determined that the brightness variations from the moons show very clear signs of periodicity, revealing that the moons were not so much tumbling but spinning in a regular fashion, and much faster than anyone expected. 
The images also reveal that Nix is orbiting backward and on its side. In addition, from the animation above, you may note that the spin axes of the moons are precessing, just like a spinning top. 
Q: And where does that leave the uniformitarian theory for the formation of the solar system? 
A: In big trouble, I suggest. Some ad hoc hypothesis must now be invented to explain this anomaly. 
Nix rotates retrograde—backwards—similar to the way the planet Venus orbits the sun. Nix is also on its side similar to the planet Uranus (which has a 97.77% tilt to the plane of the solar system). ----These are anomalies that are contrary to the uniformitarian principle of the solar system forming out of a nebula cloud of gas and dust.
In such a scenario all angular momentum is directed in the same plane. The angular momentum vector should be perpendicular to the plane of the alleged newly forming protoplanetary system. 
Q: How can individual planets and moons spin retrograde? 
That would mean their angular momentum vector points in the opposite direction to the rest of the bodies.  
Also, of course there should really be little angular momentum in the outer planets as the sun allegedly spun up. 

But the opposite is needed, because the sun is observed to have relatively very little angular momentum. Consider our sun with a mass representing 99.86% of the mass of the solar system but only 4% of its angular momentum. The planets on the other hand have a total combined mass of only 0.14% of the mass of the solar system yet 96% of its angular momentum. Most of the angular momentum of any solar system must reside initially in the central core of the collapsing cloud, which eventually becomes the star, according to the theory.  
Yet, after some time nearly all the angular momentum has to be transferred to the planets somehow. This is a huge problem for the theory.  
Earth’s moon was created in a near perfect circular orbit and tidally locked for purposes of stability to Earth’s tides and other designed-for-life features. Any disturbance to the orbit or any notion that it could have been captured run counter to its observed near perfectly circular orbit. 
Likewise, planets with tidally locked moons were created that way, as well as retrograde motion like Venus’ spin. 
Naturalistic methods fail on all counts to account for such a feature." 