Sunday, January 16, 2022

Book Review: The 666 Beast Identified: What It Means to You

(short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest.... 
(Review by Fulcrum 7)
The 666 Beast Identified: What It Means to You
 by Steve Wohlberg 
 144 pages Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pacific Press Publishing Association
"Steve Wohlberg has done the world and the Church a favor by advancing the truth of the Book of Revelation with a solid historicist interpretative approach. 
The chapter, “The Beast Fights Back,” is of deep interest. 
Steve reveals nine false arguments about 666. 
There is also some background information revealing why SDA evangelists should cease from quoting the 1915 “Our Sunday Visitor” to prove that Catholics have admitted that Vicarious Filii Dei was written on the Popes mitre. 
Some thorough detective work reveals that this is a mistake that actually plays into Rome’s hands. There is a better, more up to date source that you will find interesting."
 Here is wisdom. 
Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
 Revelation 13:18