Thursday, December 16, 2021

The "Really" File - (LA School District goes Full Gen. 6:5)

And GOD saw that 
---the wickedness of man was great in the earth, 
---and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen. 6:5

"......the LA school system was pushing homosexuality and other
Geo Neptune

non-traditional sexual views on kids as young as four......schools pushed something called “Two-Spirit” sexuality on the young children in the form of a presentation that denigrated traditional Western values and lionized weird sexual fantasies.
The students were also apparently told that thinking there are only two genders is a “mob mentality” and that they should use their pronouns when introducing themselves.
The presentation includes a video where an individual who goes by “Geo Neptune” complains that European colonizers victimized
From the "Really" File

Native Americans when they “imposed homophobia, rigid binary gender roles, and misogyny,which he attributes in part to “the Christian tradition.”
The slideshow goes on to ask, “Why do you think the European colonizers worked so hard to eliminate these Indigenous values and traditions?” 
It concludes by telling students that “the 2 spirit tradition is resilient and precious” and that “it has survived centuries of colonial violence and prejudice.” TP