Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Socialists & Social Reformers vs. the Sabbath

"But, as a matter of fact, the Sabbath is the laboring man’s friend. 
It comes to him, laden with God’s richest blessings, and brings him perfect rest from all weariness and oppression. 
All the hopes and aims of Socialists....The plans and efforts of the best of social reformers have not materially if at all lessened the amount of poverty and suffering, but have resulted simply in arousing and aug­menting discontent. 
The Sabbath of the Lord, on the other hand, makes known to men the power that will enable them patiently and contentedly to endure that which for a season must be borne,....The Sabbath keeps ever before our minds 
---the wondrous power manifested in creation, 
---that power by which all who believe are saved from sin, 
---and by which all men, whether they believe or not, are kept alive from day to day and from one moment to another. “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.Acts 17.28." 
E.J. Waggoner