Sunday, December 19, 2021

Papal Notes - Francis wants ALL ROADS to Lead to Laudato Si'

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4

"References to God,......are totally absent from this catalogue of the new foundation's politically correct 'values,' among which Francis wants environmentalist concerns and 'fraternity between believers and non-believers are, of course, paramount. 

A Fratelli tutti Foundation” attached to Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome was launched on Wednesday by Pope Francis who signed a decree that officially established the new entity. It aims at encouraging “fraternity and dialogue” among pilgrims and tourists visiting the Vatican.  
The document was signed on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and released to the Vatican Press office on Wednesday.
Key words and phrases are “humanism,” “building social alliances,” and, of course, “bridges,” the creating of “events,” “trails,” “experiences” and “spiritual exercises,” and “promoting dialogue with cultures and the other religions based on the themes of the Pope’s last Encyclical.

The example of what is afoot at Notre Dame of Paris immediately
springs to mind: .....plans for a makeover of the Gothic jewel’s interior include creating a “discovery trail for people of all religions, leading through chapels dedicated to the five continents and messages of the Old and New Testaments and culminating with
Laudato si’
The revamping of Notre Dame is set to include benches with modern lighting systems, elements of “contemporary art” and music and light projections in the side-chapels, “creating the conditions for an experience” that would appeal to the cathedral’s many non-Catholic visitors." Lifesite