Tuesday, December 14, 2021

On the Streets of Babylon: Prancing Around in Drag on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be  "prancing around in drag" seen on the Streets of Babylon...
"Pastor Craig Duke of Newburgh United Methodist Church in
Evansville, Indiana
was featured in HBO’s We’re Here, a show presenting three well-known drag queens small-town America in order to give visibility and humanize their garish and hideous self-expression.

Duke, whose daughter recently came out as “pansexual’ participated in the show after the town’s pride board asked him to do so, based on his previous support for LGBTQ issues, as well as so he could show himself as an “ally to his daughter.” 
Naturally, he received a drag makeover and put on a drag show, wearing caked-on makeup, a tall pink wig, 4-inch heels, and lip-sang to Ke$ha’s We R Who We R. He explains: “I was surrounded and immersed in a culture that I’ve never been immersed in, and one of the things in ministry, if you want to involve people different than yourself in your ministry, you have to go to where people different than you are. The invitation to be part of the show allowed me that….I’m hoping it’s a bridge — for my daughter, for the church I serve, for the denomination I love and for me — and I’m hoping my voice will become stronger.P&P