Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Monthly Viewer Update {November 2021}

  Monthly Viewer Update {November 2021} {78,132}
Where YOU Are Viewing From
TOP 10 Nations
#1 U.S.A. (77.0%) 
#2 France (7.0%)
#3 Brazil (3.3%)
#4 Canada (1.1%)
#5 South Korea (0.8%)
#6 Netherlands (0.5%)
#7 Portugal (0.4%)
#8 Britain (0.4%)
#9 Australia (0.4%)
#10 Russia (0.3%)
All Other's of the 185 Remaining Nations (8.8%)

Leading among Others were South Africa,
Turkey, Philippines, Italy, Kenya
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27 

 Top 5 Viewed Posts of the Month
1-ARCHAEOLOGY: When Man Replaced Christ with Animals
2- Q: What is the Purpose for the Enchantments of this World?
3- The Law: From Adam to Abraham - that INCLUDES the Sabbath
4- Health Note - Red Meat Study  
5- What God Has Done In HIS GREAT MERCY